55 | theTYPEAhippie Podcast | ChiCast: Talking About All The Things (Jennifer Fultz & Maiko Greenleaf)

I have not yet met these brilliant women, but I know that it's going to happen. We met because of our love for social justice and empowering others and have been able to really connect on a soul level. On this episode, we discuss social justice, politics, the 2016 presidential election, intersectionality, racism, sexism, gender and more.


Maiko Greenleaf is a mama to a rambunctious 16 month old baby girl with the most complicated name ever (no seriously, just ask!) and she also works full-time in Facility Management in Los Angeles. She's wife to a television editor who now fully appreciates her love of milk tea. In addition to milk tea, she loves sushi, Kodak Portra 400, and she’ll take a hot tub over a swimming pool any day. She's always felt passionate about working towards equality for women around the world, and being a Sseko Fellow helps her spread awareness about a very real and tangible way that we can all help impact young women's lives in Uganda...women who can go on to become educated, powerful, and inspiring leaders! It's a passion she hopes to share with her daughter as she learns that she too can change the world!


To connect with Maiko:


Instagram: @ssekomaiko

FB: Sseko Fellow Maiko

Email: ssekomgreenleaf@gmail.com

Website: www.ssekodesigns.com/maiko_greenleaf

Additional bios and social media handles to come.

**NOTE** This podcast episode includes adult language, be aware of little people who may be listening.