2/20/17 | Daily Drop of Inspiration

I learned not only to launch and re-launch my dōTERRA business, but to launch and re-launch my life. At the insistence of one of the providers I worked with, I applied to a premedical post-baccalaureate program in Los Angeles, CA. I was supposed to find out a week later whether or not I got in. Eight minutes after we ended our Skype video call they emailed to tell me they had accepted me. I wouldn’t know that though until later in the evening because I continued living my life, going through my day, being of service to my community. I was in fear about leaving the comfort of my home, my community and my life in Las Vegas, NV to move to Los Angeles, CA, yet I did it. It turned out that my time there was very short and yet I was able to move across the country and land in Ann Arbor, MI where I was able to re-launch both my dōTERRA business and my life. If you want to do it, do it. You never know what the Divine has in store for you. You’re going to age anyway, you might as well be doing what you dream of doing!