100 | theTYPEAhippie Podcast | ChiCast: Unapologetically Me (Chidimma Ozor)

So friends, can you believe we made it to 100 episodes? Just you and I and our theTYPEAhippie community. What a gift! One of my dearest, best girlfriends Christine Fuller interviewed me for this episode. It was so much fun and it reminded me on the good days and the bad that I have the best folks in the world in my life. My heart is filled with love and gratitude for the journey of this podcast and because I'm so damn grateful to have all of you amazing souls to live life alongside.

It is bittersweetness (my word) that this will be the last episode I'm recording and sharing with you for a little while. You see, I want and need to elevate my podcasting game. I want to uplevel theTYPEAhippie Podcast | ChiCast so that I can do right by you and serve you better. This means I am giving myself the space of grace to actually learn how to properly produce a podcast which will take time, money, energy and attention. But don't fret, I will be back soon enough! Sending you love and light!

To connect with me:

* Website: www.thetypeahippie.com