2/9/17 | Daily Drop of Inspiration

One thing I learned as a result of my affiliation with dōTERRA is to stop playing small to accommodate those around me, so that those around me feel less uncomfortable. I remember attending a dōTERRA leadership training in Las Vegas, NV one summer day in Aug 2014 when I was living there. We had an opportunity to role play with the trainer/guest speaker Tiffany Peterson and she selected someone else to participate in the exercise and when that person was asking a random question, she returned to me and selected me. I responded to her questions and by the end of it, I was crying, she was crying and many in the audience were crying. A friend later told me it was a holy, set apart, experience for her to witness. I realized then that I was playing small or living small so that others wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable. That shifted, that day. I’ve since connected in a deeper and more meaningful way with others who refuse to play small and instead live rather full and amazing lives. Two dear friends, whom we have started a social justice book club are examples of this: Mandy Reid and Stephanie Moors. It’s a beautiful thing when you are able to see the flaws in your makeup that have caused your failures and not only see them, but are willing to do the deep work to work on them. Now I take up space. All of the space even. And I encourage you to do the same.